Learners at this level are able to read or view, understand and respond to texts on a range of topics.
Learners credited with this unit standard are adept at using a range of reading and viewing strategies to derive meaning from various texts. They can identify the main ideas across different text types and effectively read or view and respond to texts for a variety of purposes. Additionally, learners are skilled in identifying and discussing how language structures and features can influence a reader or audience, allowing them to understand and analyse the impact of language on communication.
Course Content
- Reading and/or viewing strategies employed in searching for meaning in texts are flexible and appropriate to the particular text and nature of the search
- Questions used are appropriate to the context, the type of information required, and/or attempts to clarify meaning
- Information from texts researched is recorded logically and coherently according to the purpose of the task or learning activity
- Instructions and directions are read/viewed and interpreted and subsequent explanations are consistent with the intention of the text
- The structural features of texts are identified and their use in accessing meaning is explored
- Reference materials are used to clarify meanings of words/signs, concepts, language structures, and conventions
- The research process is focused, logical, and effective
- The main ideas are identified and distinguished from supporting information
- The author’s purpose is identified and the identification is justified by reference to the text
- Information and/or ideas from the text are presented in a form appropriate to a learning task or activity
- Socio-cultural issues in texts are identified and explained concerning relevant passages or extracts from the text
- Different text types are categorised in terms of their intended target audience
- The purpose of the text is identified and the identification is justified by reference to the text 3.
- Different points of view in texts are identified and observations are justified by reference to the text
- Own ideas and/or arguments are supported with a range of reasons and facts relevant to the topic of discussion
- The relevance of texts is evaluated and justified in terms of meaning to self and others in peer, community or workgroup
- Implicit and explicit messages in texts are identified and explained with reference to the purpose of the text
- The choice of words/signs, language usage, symbols, pictures and tone/sign size and pace are described in terms of how a point of view is shaped or supported
- Sentence structures are identified, analysed and related to purpose, audience, and text
- Non-accredited: Short course only
- Duration: 1h 30m
- Delivery: Classroom/Online/Blended
- Access Period: 12 Months