Gain the skills to professionally handle customer complaints and problems, effectively manage relevant documentation, and communicate clearly to resolve issues and build customer satisfaction. This course provides practical techniques for problem-solving, managing customer feedback, and maintaining clear, constructive communication.

Handling customer complaints and problems effectively is essential for maintaining customer loyalty and enhancing brand reputation. This course equips you with the skills needed to manage complaints, resolve problems, and communicate confidently in challenging situations. You’ll learn about the importance of documentation, including how to record, report, and review complaints for continuous improvement. Through practical exercises, discover methods for identifying the root cause of complaints, handling difficult conversations, and transforming problems into opportunities for customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Course Content

  • Non-accredited: Short course only  
  • Duration: 1h 30m
  • Delivery: Classroom/Online/Blended
  • Access Period: 12 Months 
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